WORDS for your PSYCHE - Part I

Suggested Bible Readings for the Old Testament

Example of Suggested Reading:

The Story of Creation (The Possible Title in the Bible) - Genesis 1:1 - 2:4  /  (Genesis - The Book, Gospel or Epistle in the Bible  /  1: and 2:  - The Chapters in Genesis  /  :1 and :4 - The Verses in the Chapters)


Suggested Readings for the BOOK of GENESIS


The Story of Creation - Genesis 1:1 - 2:4

The Garden of Eden - Genesis 2:4-25

Human Disobedience and the Fall of Man - Genesis 3:1-24

The Flood and the Ark of Noah - Genesis 6:1 - 8:19

Abraham’s Faith Tested - Genesis 22:1-19


Suggested Readings for the BOOK of EXODUS


Manna and Quail - Exodus 16:1-35

Water from the Rock - Exodus 17:1-7

The Ten Commandments - Exodus 20:1-21


Suggested Readings for the BOOK of NUMBERS


The Priestly Blessing - Numbers 6:22-27

The Bronze Snake - Numbers 21:4-9


Suggested Reading for the BOOK of RUTH


Boaz and Ruth and Their Descendants - Ruth 4:1-22


Suggested Readings for the BOOKS of SAMUEL


The Anointing of David as King - 1 Samuel 16:1-13

God’s Promise to David - 2 Samuel 7:1-17


Suggested Readings for the BOOK of PSALMS


True Happiness - Psalm 1

The Glory of God vis-à-vis the Dignity of the Human Race - Psalm 8

The Lord as Shepherd - Psalm 23

Praise and a Heart’s Desire - Psalm 27

Praise and Declaration of God’s Goodness - Psalm 34

Prayer for Mercy - Psalm 51

God as Defender and Protector - Psalm 91

Praise and Worship - Psalm 95

Praising Our Lord and King - Psalm 96

Hymn of Praise - Psalm 100


Suggested Readings for the BOOK of ISAIAH


The Call of Isaiah - Isaiah 6:1-13

A Child will be Born King - Isaiah 9:1-7

The Servant of the Lord - Isaiah 42:1-9

Israel’s Cancelled Sins - Isaiah 43:22-25

The Chosen One by the Only Lord - Isaiah 44:1-8

The Suffering Servant - Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12


Suggested Readings for the BOOK of JEREMIAH


The Call of Jeremiah - Jeremiah 1:4-10

God’s Message of Hope and Restoration - Jeremiah 32:36-44


Suggested Reading for the BOOK of MICAH


The Promised Ruler from Bethlehem - Micah 5:2-5


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Words for your Psyche, Part I

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