General Psychology Test Reviewer

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___21. Classical conditioning is to Ivan Pavlov as operant conditioning is to:


A. Albert Bandura

B. Wolfgang Kohler

C. E.L. Thorndike

D. B.F. Skinner




___22. This theory states that the experience of emotion is a function of the individual's assessment of the emotion-producing situation. This is the:


A. James-Lange theory

B. self theory

C. Cannon-Bard theory

D. cognitive theory




___23. A mentally-ill person who exhibits extreme mood swings is suffering from:


A. manic-depression

B. anxiety reactions

C. phobic reactions

D. obsessive-compulsive behavior




___24. The concepts listed below are related to one another except:


A. withdrawal reflex

B. free nerve endings

C. warmth

D. noxious stimulation




___25. One of these neurotic reactions does not involve the process by which anxiety is transformed into bodily symptoms or physiological disturbances. This is:


A. obsession

B. psychosomatic symptom

C. hysteria

D. hypochondriasis




___26. It is the location of the taste buds most sensitive to sweet taste. This is the:


A. base of the tongue

B. side of the tongue

C. tip of the tongue

D. top of the tongue




___27. Which type of conflict is the easiest to resolve?:


A. approach-approach

B. approach-avoidance

C. avoidance-avoidance

D. multiple conflict




___28. Learning is said to have occurred when:


A. response is acquired

B. attention is directed to a task

C. response is reinforced

D. behavior is applied to different situations




___29. Which reaction occurs in both love and anger?:


A. withdrawal

B. blushing

C. aggression

D. increase in skin temperature




___30. Jean Piaget's formal operational stage corresponds to Sigmund Freud's:


A. anal stage

B. oral stage

C. genital stage

D. phallic stage




___31. Operant conditioning deals with behavior:


A. that is passive

B. that is a product of cognitive processes

C. that affects the environment

D. that is automatic




___32. Goose pimples occur when a person is in an emotional state of:


A. fear

B. love

C. anger

D. grief




___33. The structure of the ear that gathers sound-waves and funnels them down to the auditory canal is the:


A. pinna

B. cochlea

C. tympanum

D. oval window




___34. According to Freud, this is the defense mechanism that a healthy individual uses. This is:


A. sublimation

B. rationalization

C. fantasy

D. reaction formation




___35. Which statement on Maslow's hierarchy of needs is false?:


A. The development of needs is based on the individual's history of need-satisfaction.

B. Satisfaction of lower-level needs will result in the emergence of higher-level needs.

C. Lower-level needs constitute the main human motives.

D. Satisfaction of higher-level needs will lead to the appearance of new needs.




___36. Jung's extroverted type of person tends to be:


A. resistant to injury

B. withdrawn

C. aggressive

D. sociable




___37. The ability to manipulate objects using one's thought is known as:


A. psychokinesis

B. clairvoyance

C. precognition

D. telepathy




___38. Problems like "cooperation versus competition" and "dependence versus independence" are two examples of this type of conflict. This conflict is known as:


A. approach-approach

B. approach-avoidance

C. avoidance-avoidance

D. multiple conflict




___39. Loss of a loved one or loved object causes:


A. love

B. fear

C. anger

D. grief




___40. The frequency of a sound-wave corresponds to:


A. timbre

B. amplitude

C. pitch

D. complexity



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