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Psychology 1: General Psychology or Introduction to Psychology
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the correct answer. Write the answer corresponding to the item number on your sheet of paper. Write the letter or text of the correct answer or both.
___ 1. The Greek word "psyche" means:
A. soul
B. body
C. heart
D. study
___ 2. This school of thought stresses the role of reward and punishment in shaping behavior. This is:
A. psychoanalysis
B. purposivism
C. functionalism
D. behaviorism
___ 3. This method of research relies heavily on information obtained from therapeutic sessions. This is called the:
A. clinical method
B. biographical method
C. experimental method
D. survey method
___ 4. In fertilization, the sperm cell and the egg cell unite to form the:
A. baby
B. embryo
C. ovum
D. zygote
___ 5. It means pattern or configuration. It is called:
A. perception
B. gestalt
C. illusion
D. object
___ 6. He established the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879. He was:
A. Rene Descartes
B. Gustav Fechner
C. Hermann von Helmholtz
D. Wilhelm Wundt
___ 7. According to Freud, human behavior is greatly influenced by:
A. repressed motives
B. sensory experiences
C. conscious mental processes
D. environmental factors
___ 8. Consumer psychology and business psychology find application in:
A. business firms
B. industries
C. commercial firms
D. all of the choices
___ 9. The axon is covered with:
A. grey matter
B. cell bodies
C. myelin sheath
D. white matter
___10. When a child realizes that a toy continues to exist even when hidden behind a screen, the child is said to have achieved:
A. conservation
B. object differentiation
C. object permanence
D. perceptual constancy
___11. Nerve impulse transmission is an example of:
A. reproduction
B. conductivity
C. contractility
D. irritability
___12. It is a state of equilibrium characterized by the proper functioning of the body's physiological processes. It is called:
A. motivated behavior
B. drive
C. homeostasis
D. deprivation
___13. The left cerebral hemisphere controls:
A. upper part of the body
B. lower part of the body
C. right side of the body
D. left side of the body
___14. The testes produce testosterone while the ovaries produce:
A. sex hormones
B. estrogens
C. menstrual blood
D. cortin
___15. At the onset of puberty, girls undergo physical changes which include the following except:
A. development of breasts
B. development of reproductive organ
C. growth of facial hair
D. growth of pubic hair
___16. Developmental psychology is the study of human development from:
A. birth to old age
B. birth to death
C. conception to death
D. conception to adulthood
___17. A psychologist who trains employees and makes them productive and effective in their work is a specialist in:
A. social psychology
B. industrial psychology
C. consumer psychology
D. guidance and counselling
___18. She was the first Filipino woman to receive a doctoral degree in clinical psychology. She was:
A. Estefana Abdaba-Lim
B. Aurora Minoz
C. Alicia S. Bustos
D. Sonia M. Zaide
___19. Which theory of personality does not belong to the group?:
A. Erikson's psycho-social theory
B. Jung's introversion-extroversion theory
C. Freud's psychoanalytic theory
D. none of the choices
___20. A student obtained scores of 130 and 137 in an I.Q. test that was administered on two different occasions. The I.Q. test is said to be:
A. adequate
B. reliable
C. valid
D. not valid
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