Posts tagged with "Expressions"

Messages from Alex Moises · 14. March 2019
Today, I have started to use the Jimdo Blog. There are four posts that have been published today. This is the fifth one. Hello to everyone! We have a new website. It is called EXPRESSIONS... It is found at this address –
Philippines · 14. March 2019
Early on, I wrote that I will be using the Jimdo Blog for my second edition online notes about the Philippines. I will not use the blog because EXPRESSIONS contains articles and photographic displays about the Philippines. Go to Expressions Plus and you will find it there. Maybe, in the distant future, I’ll write the second edition about the Philippines.


Hearts Philippines & Then Some

This is Uncle Alex and Gabby's website at and this is the website for the Philippines and then some.




Free Website at


Pilatelika Pilipinas

Pilatelika Pilipinas at




Gabby's Faith Expression


Jesus and Gabby Series and Love God Series

Words for your Psyche, Part I

About Alex Moises

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