I am happy to share these new photos of mine taken by my little angel Gabby about two to three weeks ago.
I had my haircut, and my little angel helped me cut my hair. Well, the world is in an extremely difficult situation because of the coronavirus-19 pandemic. I had to find a way to avoid contact with other people, so I personally cut my hair. My little angel assisted me and it was real family bonding time. About two months ago, it was my younger sister from America who assisted me. We had fun… it was unlike those times in recent years when I went to barbershops to have my haircut.
I had to find a venue for the picture-taking, which I did. I had my pictures taken by my little angel, and it was a happy occasion as all picture-taking are.
The covid-19 pandemic is really a big problem, and I hope that a vaccine or medicine that is a cure for the disease will be developed this year. Millions have been afflicted with the disease and hundreds of thousands have died because of it. I have read lots of online articles about this issue, and most of them are negative news. In at least one occasion, my readings on covid-19 gave me a slight headache. It was good reporting, though, as it reflects what is happening in the world today.
On Facebook, I posted some of the articles with positive news as well as addresses of websites that provide timely and relevant information. There is a few good news that come out sometimes. It is about a new treatment or a new vaccine for covid-19. Not only is it refreshingly relieving, it is real hope at this time. I have always prayed that a treatment or vaccine will be developed soon. May God help these people who are trying to find solutions to the covid-19 problem.
Sometime in January, 2020, I instinctively lockdowned myself. (I told this to my sister who arrived from America and to my younger pastor-brother later.) I went out only to attend to family matters after my mom died in December, 2019 – her death affected me not only emotionally but also physically. I wore a mask when I went out and during this time, people were not wearing mask, yet. My personal lockdown probably saved me.
I usually go to the hospital for my yearly medical check-up. With this plan goes my intention to visit other clinics. I did not go to these places. Later, I found out that the hospital where I go for yearly check-up had doctors and medical staff who got infected with covid-19 from a patient they were treating. At this time, no one really knows what is this covid-19 thing. One or two months later, I read twice or thrice – maybe more – that doctors, hospital staff and health workers were dying because of covid-19 and they accounted for one-fifth of the deaths due to covid-19 in the Philippines. I was hoping, then, that the hospital system in my country will not collapse… we still have our system, but I just read a news that it is near full-capacity to handle the pandemic.
I have read, too, that some people do not favor the lockdown. This may not look like the correct thing to do, but look at it this way: there are people who aren’t afraid about the pandemic. That is good if we are to survive the pandemic. And we have scientists who are moving at a breakneck speed to find a treatment or vaccine for covid-19.
Really, God help and bless us all.
I started reading the Bible early this year, and when the covid-19 thing came and erupted into a pandemic, I still continued to read the Bible. I was reading the Old Testament part of the Bible when the covid-19 problem became a pandemic. I have completed reading the Gospels and read two or three epistles but I’m quite focused on the Old Testament. I have read a lot: from the book of Genesis to the book of Esther. Naturally, my prayers, reflections and meditations about my relationship with God, about my family and loved ones and about the reality the world is in right now are influenced by what I read in the Bible. And I say this once more: God help and bless us all. Amen.
Some real good news about a treatment or vaccine for covid-19 have come out in recent weeks.
At this time, I am resting my body. Almost two weeks ago, I felt strong even though I turned 60 this year. So, I tried to arrange some of my things and carry heavy stuff. I suffered a backache… I strained my back and leg muscles, I think. I am taking paracetamol and muscle pain reliever, beside the regular “maintenance” medicine and vitamins I take for the heart, sugar, cholesterol and arthritis. I’m feeling alright now, I think, although my back occasionally hurts only slightly. I keep the place where I stay clean from the time the covid-19 pandemic forced societies to lockdown – and even when I had a backache. That is the reality we are in.
At this time, too, I am making materials for my websites: Blue Faith at https://sites.google.com/view/blue-faith/home, Expressions at https://alexmoi04.jimdofree.com, and Hearts Philippines & Then Some at https://philippines-atbp.jimdofree.com.
I will continue to use my blog on Hearts Philippines & Then Some. I still have lots of MB space left out of the free 500 MB space. I already have started planning the things I’m going to upload and, hopefully, I can continue adding items for the next five years or more.
Keep visiting and enjoying our websites.
Related Article: Update on Hearts Philippines & Then Some